One of the most prominent components of your home’s decor is the stucco. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the common parts of your home that gets damaged. Thankfully, it can be easily repaired as long as the damage isn’t severe. However, there are some cases where your stucco looks fine on the surface, but is hiding serious problems underneath. In this post, Precision #1 Contractors Inc., the trusted stucco remediation company, shares the signs of serious stucco damage.

- Excessive Moisture. It’s common knowledge for every homeowner that moisture can be the catalyst for many problems in your home. The moisture trapped under the stucco can make your home’s structure weaker and lead to long term damage. If you notice moisture buildup near your stucco, make sure that you call your local contractor for assistance.
- Staining. Heavy rain can cause water stains to pop out from your stucco siding. Aside from affecting your siding’s aesthetic appearance, it can also affect your stucco by trapping rain and moisture underneath. This could serve as a breeding ground for mold and mildew spores. Even if your stucco looks fine on the surface, make sure that you contact your stucco repair expert for assistance.
- Cracking. Just like staining, cracked stucco most likely indicates an underlying issue. Have your home’s structure inspected since it’s possible that your stucco has been warped due to the moisture. In any case, your stucco must be replaced to prevent further damage to your home’s structure.
Looking for expert roofers and stucco specialists? Look no further than Precision #1 Contractors Inc. We’re a preferred James Hardie® company that aims to give you outstanding customer service and quality workmanship for you to get the most out of your home improvement investment. Contact us at 215-364-5115 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.